We support everyone to grow and bloom

CM and BloomUp want to lower the threshold to mental support for you. We connect you quickly and easily online with a mental sidekick that suits you. A growth track in our mobile app gives you the tools you need to work on yourself. So you can feel healthier and happier again.

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BloomUp gives you tailored support to help you feel better about yourself again.

More than 300,000 people access mental support through BloomUp. With our online therapy, you match with a mental sidekick that matches your personal challenge in just a few clicks. In our online growth tracks, you learn new skills to strengthen your mental resilience. We are here for you, whatever mental challenge you are facing.


Mental sidekicks? At BloomUp, we work with recognised psychologists and psychotherapists, who we call our mental sidekicks. They support you with your personal challenges.

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Online therapy with your mental sidekick

Do you find it challenging to deal with stress, find peace of mind or look at yourself positively?


Based on a few questions BloomUp introduces you to a few mental sidekicks. You choose who you would like to meet.


You get started quickly and easily via our online platform. In just a few clicks, you can book a free introduction (15 minutes). In it, your mental sidekick explains how they work and you tell them what you want to talk about.


BloomUp is there for you. Wherever you are, whenever you want.

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Grow together with BloomUp

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Learn to deal with your challenges step by step in our mobile app. With our hands-on approach, you always have the necessary tools at your fingertips. Had a busy day? Create peace in your mind again with short and simple relaxation exercises.

For big challenges and small struggles, BloomUp is there for you. Do you want to go all the way? Then you can also let yourself be supported by a mental sidekick throughout the process. (optional)

Download the BloomUp app and get started quickly and easily with the code below.

Download BloomUp app on android
Download BloomUp app on ios
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Why choose Bloomup?

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Tailored support

Through our personal matching, you will be introduced to some mental sidekicks tailored to your challenge. Prefer to work on your own? Then strengthen your resilience at your own pace with our growth tracks.

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It feels comfortable

Take the plunge, wherever and whenever you want. Save time and energy by working on your mental resilience from your comfort zone.

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Quick and easy

No more long queues. Quickly find your way to your online mental sidekick. BloomUp is easy to use, you can get started in no time!

Your progress is on track



fully trust their mental sidekick to discuss their struggles.



immediately feel a click with their mental sidekick.

3 days


is the average waiting time for an initial interview at BloomUp.

Meet our mental sidekicks

All BloomUp's mental sidekicks are licensed clinical psychologists or psychotherapists. We have an extensive BloomUp community. They offer many years of experience and various specialisations such as: burnout, fear of failure, worrying, stress, panic attacks, relationship problems, gloomy feelings, grief counselling and more.


mental sidekicks with different specialisations



therapy languages (NL, FR, EN)

8 years

average practical experience
Onze mentale sidekicks
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Not a CM member yet?

Join CM and enjoy a concession of minimum 10 euros per call (up to 24 calls). This concession is automatically reimbursed by CM afterwards when you schedule your call through BloomUp.